
Friday, July 6, 2012

Working For The Weekend

Happy Friday, friends!  That whole mid-week holiday thing kind of threw me off in the "what day is it" department, but I think this weekend is gonna be a nice time to regroup.  And it'll be the perfect opportunity to soak up all the calm before the storm moments I can since we're throwing the party of the year (my Mom's 50th birthday) next week.  You guys are gonna freak when you see these's gonna be epic.  Hope your weekend is magical and sunburn free.  Enjoy the links!

Have you ever seen anything like this before?  I, for one, have not.

The Geometric Bib necklaces are my fave but the whole shop is pretty neat.

Is it weird that I want these?  Probably, right?

I'm gonna have to make this at some's just too cool!

Cover all your bases.

Great tips on a very important topic.

I get tons of compliments on my necklace like this, so I thought I'd share!

One of the greatest ideas ever.

Weird but amazing.

Simple but pretty.

1 comment:

  1. awwwww! thanks for including me!!
