
Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm The Map, I'm The Map, I'm The Map: Part 2

As promised, here's part two in my who-knows-how-long-this'll-go series on crafting with vintage maps.  I know I let the cat out of the bag yesterday in regards to what the project actually is, but here's the breakdown on how to create a cute little cake banner of your very own.

Here's what you'll need:
-Needle or pin
-At least one sheet of alphabet stickers (depending on what message you're writing)
-A small section of vintage map...a 5x8 piece should be more than enough
-A small piece of card stock
-Two 12" wooden shish kabob sticks
-Red and white baker's twine

Create an inverted stencil by measuring and drawing an Isosceles triangle onto your piece of card stock (and you thought you'd never use math again after high school...for the record, my measurements were 1" x 1.25" x 1.25"...also for the record, I didn't think I'd ever use math again after high school, either).  Cut out, place on your map section and trace.

Minimize the amount of cutting you'll have to do by tracing your triangles in the pattern below...see how you can use the triangles facing up and the ones facing down?

Cut out your tracings and erase any pencil marks left behind.

Add stickers to write out your message, then take your pin and pierce the top corners of each pennant.  

Cut a 16" length of bakers twine for the top portion of your text and an 18" length for the bottom.  String the pennants from left to right, starting with the first letter of your message.  Depending on the thickness of your pin, you may need to increase the size of your piercing with a shish kabob stick so the bakers twine feeds through easily.

Center your text and tie bakers twine onto the top of the shish kabob sticks, leaving an inch or two on either side.

Secure sticks in cake and serve.  And if you missed our killer cake recipe from yesterday, make sure you check it out (strawberry cake from scratch, yum)!


  1. Oh my gosh this is so cool! Have to try this immediately. What a neat idea.

  2. I am immediately putting this project to life. I bought all the supplies! banners for everyone!!! and the CAKE WAS AMAZING! THANK YOU for such a sweet suprise once again

