
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

GaBEE's Lip Balm!

Have you seen this awesome lip balm in stores?  Uh oh, hope you didn't answer yes cause that was a trick question!  It's actually our lip balm...created by my Dad using his beeswax as a main ingredient and named after (drumroll please) me!  Is he sweet or what?  I thought you might enjoy a behind the scenes look into exactly how this delightful little treat came to be...sounds like fun, right?  Good, let's do this.

I know I've mentioned my Dad's mind blowingly cool hobbies on several occasions, but in case you didn't know, one of them is beekeeping.  We used beeswax from his hives as the base of the lip balm by melting it in a pyrex measuring cup mostly submerged in boiling water.  

When the beeswax melted, we let the water continue to boil and added coconut oil, pure cocoa butter, and olive oil to the mix.  We then gave things a stir, carefully removed the cup from the heat and added vitamin E.  We lined our tubes up and poured the lip balm in immediately so as to not give the liquid time to solidify in the pyrex cup.  Side note regarding the pouring process: there was a learning curve, but somewhere around the 40th tube we got the hang of mess-free filling.  Side note regarding my blood pressure during this portion of the afternoon...I pretty much held my breath until all the tubes were full.  The potential for a murderous domino effect was high but we rose to the challenge.

Once the tubes were filled we gave them a little time to solidify.  When they did, we capped and cleaned them with a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol to remove any residue.

After that, all that was left to do was put on the labels and admire our work.  I mean seriously, is that just the neatest thing or what?!

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