
Monday, October 22, 2012


Life is so crazy, isn't it?  One day it's this, the next day there's an opportunity for it to be something completely different.  On Thursday you're 100% single, come Friday there's someone you just might be interested in.  A moment ago you were unemployed, one phone call later and you're hired.  Life goes in one direction...'til it doesn't anymore.  While sometimes the change is startling and now and then it's downright tragic...occasionally it's exactly what you've been hoping and praying for.  That's where I feel like I'm at today.  

Which brings me to my big news.  Here goes...come November 5th Design Muse is opening a brick and mortar location.  We'll be right in Nashville, less than ten minutes from downtown.  Can you even believe that? 

I've wanted to take Design Muse to the next level for a long time but I honestly wasn't sure what the logistics of that could possibly look like.  When a sudden opportunity came to open an office in a portion of my cousin Nikki's unbelievably amazing, soon-to-be-opened salon and spa...well...I knew it was my chance.  So that's exactly what I'm going to do.  The office itself will function as a place to meet with home, event and wardrobe styling clients and will double as a small showroom.  Eventually (though hopefully sooner than later) I'm hoping to curate a small, shop-able boutique area in there as well.  The whole thing is ambitious and risky and maybe a little bit crazy but, lets be honest, when's the last time something worth doing was easy?

We've been working non-stop on renovations to the building since we signed the papers at the end of September.  I'm so thrilled with how it's all coming together (as you can imagine, I'll have quite the before and after post for you to check out in a few weeks).  I'll share more about exactly what our service guide is going to look like in the coming weeks, but I just couldn't wait any longer to say how thrilled I am about everything that's developing.  I'm finally gonna get the chance to meet you guys!  Get in your home, style your party, help you navigate your closet.  Freaking out doesn't begin to describe what I'm feeling right now (both freaking out excited and freaking out terrified, to be honest).  More than anything, though, I'm just terribly grateful...for this opportunity, for my amazing parents who are working as our business partners, for my perfect brother who's already logged in a billion hours of moving boxes and painting walls and showing up to make sure Craigslist deals don't end with one of us being abducted, and for every other family member (by blood or by choice) who's chipped in to help.  Every single one of them has been a Godsend.  So that's my news!  Any comments, questions or concerns?  So pumped to hear what you guys think!    


  1. YAY!!! So excited for you!! I know it's going to be fantastic and you are going to be so awesome at it!

  2. Congrats!! What an amazing opportunity! You will be nothing but successful :) xo

    go for the glam

  3. Excited for this next step! Trying to figure out how I can be the first official consultant customer!
