
Monday, September 10, 2012

Shop This Look: How to Steal a Million

Wanna hear something exciting?  We're launching another new series today!  Pretty awesome, right?  The general premise goes a little something like this: step 1) I research pictures from the movies, books, and shows I'm currently loving...step 2) I share said pictures with you alongside a guide that highlights a few fabulous, referential pieces.  The benefit here is twofold...not only do I get to tell you about the entertainment that's inspiring me at the moment, but you can shop the look right on the spot by clicking the accompanying pictures!  Since it didn't seem right to launch with anything but an Audrey movie (good heavens, I just love her), I picked the most recent one I watched.  Believe it or not, I'd never seen How to Steal a Million before my sweet friend, Nina, introduced me to it last week.  Obviously I instantly loved it (as I'm a firm believer that instant love is the only appropriate response to an Audrey Hepburn movie).  It's not one of the first movies you think of when you hear Ms. Hepburn's name, but it's definitely chocked full of her charm and style.  I mean...who else could make me desperately want to wear what can only be described as a daytime sleeping mask?  Impressive, Audrey...very impressive.

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