
Friday, August 24, 2012

Working For The Weekend

I've got a super fun blog announcement for ready?  The Design Muse site itself is getting a makeover!  Truth be told, the makeover is pretty much complete (I've been working on it for a few weeks now) but come this Monday we're going live.  I just can't wait for you to see the new look!  As if that wasn't enough, I've got a few fun editorial calendar announcements so standby for that news too.  It's gonna be an eventful day around these parts.  As for this weekend, I'm so thrilled to get to spend it in Shreveport, Louisiana with some of my favorite people on the planet.  Needless to say, I'm just loving life at the moment.  Hope your weekend is all kinds of incredible.  Enjoy the links!

Let kids be kids?  Yes.  But also dress them in couture every so often...

This reminds me of summer camp and I love it.

My favorites.

Fun, fun, fun!

Perhaps I shall buy these.

Being 'in the know' is the best...

Oh, this kitchen. this!

We should all do this, for real.

Want this belt so bad...

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