
Friday, August 17, 2012

Working For The Weekend

I'm one week into my 27th year and I've gotta far, so good.  The next few weeks are gonna be bu-sy, but I kind of like it that way.  It's better than a lot of the alternatives, that's for sure.  Oh, and while I'm thinking of it...I've got a super fun blog related announcement to make next week!  It's gonna be awesome...just like all our weekends (fingers crossed).  Enjoy the links and I'll see you Monday!

Yesterday would've been Julia Child's 100th birthday!

Look at that TREE in the KITCHEN...amazing...

Aw...this is sweet.

Great little store.

What a wedding...

Writing advice from the greats.

H&M's fall preview!

Is this gonna be a must see or what?

This just cracks me up.

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