
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Catbird Seat

Oh my heavens...I had- legitimately- one of the best experiences of my life this past weekend.  I can not stress this enough.  It was just beyond.  I finally made it to The Catbird Seat, which remains the most intriguing restaurant in Nashville for a variety of reasons.

First of all, it's pretty much impossible to get into which is kind of a phenomenon for our dining scene.  Two hour waits...those we have.  Months of trying to get on a waiting list?  Now, that's new.  Forgive me for letting my inner snob show here but that just creates whole new levels of excitement, does it not?  I mean, we're talking months months of buildup here...the expectation level is so high, what can hold up to that kind of pressure?  Due to a bit of local star power (thanks Nikki) and a fortuitous reservation canceling, we were able to find out last Saturday.  Turns out the answer is watermelon compressed with aquavit, creme fraiche, dill and smoked steelhead roe...that holds up to pressure.  Hot chicken skin with dill, spice and Wonder Bread puree does does egg custard, bourbon barrel aged maple syrup, bacon and thyme.  And I could go on and on and on because every bit of the nine course tasting menu was nothing I've ever tasted or imagined in my life.  It was spectacular.  I snapped pictures of a few of the courses to share with you, though obviously no amount of photography could quite do the experience justice.  Honestly, it was one of the best nights of my life (due to both the food and the exceptional company...I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard or genuinely enjoyed myself so much) of those memories you know you'll treasure forever.  If you ever, ever, ever have a chance to go I beg of you to snatch it up.

Can't wait to tell you about the rest of my birthday weekend and all the extraordinary people and events that made it so amazing.  Stay tuned!

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