
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oh, Lolly Lollypop

What do creme brulee, blackberry merlot mulled wine, vanilla honey with figs, chocolate cupcakes, grapefruit rosemary and baklava have in common?  They're all available (and then some) in lollypop form from The Groovy Baker!  Best news you've heard all day, right?  Seven 2 inch lollypops will run you about $10, so I'm only letting myself order two flavors (okay, probably three).  If you want to check out their inventory and weigh in on this very important decision, please do.  I'll let you know how they taste in due time, but if the shop owner's resume is any indication of what to expect (she's an experienced, professionally trained chef in NYC who's worked for the Ritz Carlton, etc) I'm thinking they'll be every bit as scrumptious as they look!

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