
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

23 Madison Studio

Finding something you think is awesome is always a good time.  Finding something that combines three things you think are awesome is an unspeakably good time!  In this case, the party responsible is 23 Madison Studio and the three things in question are luxury items, adorable artwork and stationary.  Really, really cute stationary.  More incredible still, the artist behind this fabulous studio will create custom "what's in your bag" illustrations!  Is that not the neatest gift ever?  I've been brainstorming what mine would include ever since I discovered this cute little shop and so far I've got: my iPhone, Dior mascara, GaBees Lip balm, Rayban Wayfarers, Southwest peanuts, my Dad's old monogrammed business card case, a Dinner and a Suit CD and Chanel Coco Mademoiselle perfume.  What would you display in your "what's in your bag" illustration?

Images Via: 23 Madison Studio

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