
Friday, July 13, 2012

Working For The Weekend

I think it's safe to say things are about to get crazy around here.  In fact, chances are I'm wrestling with a table, chair or piece of decor at this very moment in preparation for my Mom's big party tomorrow.  I'm so psyched to see how everything comes together!  Say a prayer for no rain on Saturday (and a nice breeze, if it's not too much to ask) if you think of it.  Hope your weekend is swell!  Enjoy the links...


These clothes.  My gosh.

One, two of my all time favorite sermons (and, incidentally, two of my all time favorite people)

This may just inspire a DIY...

Vietnamese coffee ice cream!  I repeat, Vietnamese coffee ice cream!

Well isn't this smart...

Mmmm.  Tempting.

I can't decide if this is a great idea or really unnecessary.  Yet I still kind of want it.

Come autumn, this will be a must have!

I have no words.

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