
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Homeward Bound!

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go (true story), I'm standing here outside your door (Nashville airport)...I hate to wake you up to say goodbye (hmmm, not relevant) ...cause I'm leeeeeaving on a jet plane (Boeing 737) I don't know when I'll be back again (July 17th), oh babe I hate to go (and/or I'm super excited about it).

I'm heading back to Jersey for a couple weeks to work on a few projects and celebrate my Mom's birthday.  It's the big 5-0 this year!  I'm exceptionally excited to get to spend some time with my NJ family...I've missed them so much.  I'll be back in Nashville soon enough and of course keeping up with our editorial calendar while I'm gone (don't you even worry).  In the meantime, here's to safe travels!

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