Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

My, my, my- it's good to be back!  I took a cue from the creme de la creme of the blogging community and used last week to re-group, re-charge and take a short break from a full time relationship with my computer screen.  And my post vacation thoughts are as follows: 1) rest is a wonderful thing.  I feel like a new human being.  But 2) I was really starting to miss you guys!  I'm so excited about what 2012 holds in store (for both Design-Muse and life in general) that I could hardly hold it in anymore.  For starters, I'm making a few changes to our Editorial Calendar (adding, not subtracting- just to be clear).  I'm working out the last of the kinks now, but I can't wait to post all about them at the end of this week.  I wanted to show you a few highlights from the last week, so I pulled a couple pictures from my favorite app, Instagram.  Our whole holiday was seriously so spectacular I couldn't find words to tell you about it if I tried.  I hope yours was just as fabulous!  Now let's get this year started...I'm so ready for it, aren't you?


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